
609, 2023

Building a High-Availibity etcd Cluster on AWS

06-09-2023|Cloud, DevOps|

Welcome to the journey of building a high-availibity distributed key-value store. In this project we will build an etcd cluster inside Podman containers on AWS EC2 Instances. etcd is an open source, distributed key-value store designed for securely managing configuration data in distributed systems. Using Raft consensus protocol, it ensures consistent data across multiple [...]

2508, 2023

Provisioning AWS Resources with Ansible

25-08-2023|Cloud, DevOps|

In this section, we will learn how to provision AWS resources locally. We will use the Ansible AWS Collection to provision the AWS resources. We will create the following AWS resources: VPC Subnet Internet Gateway Route Table Security Group EC2 Key Pair EC2 Instance Prerequisites [...]

2508, 2023

Bereitstellung von AWS-Ressourcen mit Ansible

25-08-2023|Cloud, DevOps|

In diesem Abschnitt werden wir lernen, wie man AWS-Ressourcen lokal bereitstellt. Wir werden die Ansible AWS Collection verwenden, um die AWS-Ressourcen bereitzustellen. Wir werden die folgenden AWS-Ressourcen erstellen: VPC Subnet Internet Gateway Route Table Security Group EC2 Key Pair EC2 Instance Voraussetzungen Um AWS-Ressourcen bereitzustellen, benötigen [...]

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